释义 |
灵活动作灵活agile 动作灵活 agile movement 眼睛灵活 lively eyes 脑筋灵活 quick-witted 关节不灵活 stiff joints 他灵活地把船开过了河滩。 He piloted the boat down the river with skill. 她手脚已没有先前那样灵活,记性也坏多了。 She is not as mobile or dexterous as she once was, and her memory is a lot worse. 老头儿干起活来,灵活得像个年轻人。 By the way he works, the old man appears as agile as a young person.
随机应变flexible 灵活运用 apply intelligently 灵活掌握 control with skill 灵活掌握时间 be flexible with time 灵活调配劳动力 flexible in deploying the workforce 灵活地使用兵力 use military strength appropriate to the situation 灵活战术 flexible military tactics