释义 |
潜规则虽未明确提出但被广泛认可的思维、行为方式或准则unwritten rule 近年来商业贿赂在一些行业和领域逐渐滋生蔓延并演变为一种所谓的“潜规则”。 In recent years, commercial bribes in some industries and areas have gradually grown, spread, and evolved into a kind of unwritten rule. 发生在经济往来中的贿赂犯罪最多,进药得回扣、放贷得分成、审批收“红包”,均成为“潜规则”。 Crimes of bribery occurring in economic transactions are the most numerous. Buying in medicines gets one a kickback, giving a loan nets one a percentage, and giving approvals gets one "red envelopes". These have become unwritten rules.