释义 |
潜力股指有发展潜力的股票stock with potential 投资者可多关心一些绩优价格适中的潜力股,静待后市行情到来。 Investors can focus their attentions on stocks with potential that have good results and a moderate price, quietly waiting for the arrival of future market conditions. 此次回落调整正好给了两类潜力股再次买入的好时机。 This downward adjustment has provided a good opportunity to buy in two categories of stocks with potential again.
有发展潜力的人person with potential 尤文图斯队中新面孔虽然名气不大,但巴约科、弗雷西、布拉西和奇门蒂等人都是实力派或潜力股。 Although the new faces in the Juventus team are not very famous, people such as Baiocco, Blasi, Fresi and Chimenti are all powerful players or have potential. 他是一支潜力股。 He has potential.