释义 |
满- n.
- v.
全部充实to be full 使满to fill 把酒加满 fill up with wine 满上一杯 fill up a cup
达到一定期限reach a certain limit 期限已满。 The time limit has expired. .不满一年 less than a year 他走后已满两年了。 He's been gone for two whole years. 他满40岁了。 He's over 40 years old. 年满7岁的儿童才能入学。 Only children over seven years old can be enrolled in the school. 不满16岁的儿童禁止入内 no entry for children under 16 years of age 日内假期将满。 In a few days the holiday will be over.
- adj.
- adv.
全complete 满街泥泞 street covered in mud 满天下 all over the world 满帆急驶 go at full sail 满天星斗 star-studded sky 满天乌云。 Dark clouds cover the sky. 满头大汗 face streaming with sweat 满脑子... head full of 满头白发 head of silver hair 满腹牢骚 belly full of complaints 他觉得有满腹的话不曾说出来。 He felt like there was so much to say that had not yet been said. 满篇错误 riddled with errors 事实上满不是那么一回事。 In reality it wasn't like that at all.