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流氓兔网络动画中的一个卡通形象。常用来形容外表可爱,却比较狡猾,会耍小聪明的人MashiMaro; often used to describe someone who appears cute yet is cunning and crafty on the inside “流氓兔”凭借它“不坏那么多,只坏一点点”的恶作剧般的可爱,迅速在8岁至30岁的城市年轻人中走红。 The cuteness of MashiMaro's pranks, which are seen as "not totally bad, just a little bit bad", has enabled the character to gain rapid popularity among young city dwellers aged from 8 to 30. 流氓兔为什么这么受欢迎? Why is MashiMaro so popular?