释义 |
检查to examine 检查工作 check someone's work 检查卫生 check sanitation 检查账目 examine the accounts 财务大检查 general financial inspection 检查库存现金 check cash holdings 检查仓库 check the warehouse 检查货物 check the goods 检查护照 examine someone's passport 检查信件 examine letters 暗中检查信件 check letters in secret 检查执行情况 check implementation 海关检查 customs inspection 行李检查 luggage inspection 体格检查 physical examination X光检查 X-ray examination 产品质量检查 product quality inspection 突击检查 spot checks 进行一系列突击检查 carry out a series of spot checks
参见:检讨 书面或口头的检讨self-criticism 查考to probe 我将编《中国小说史略》时所集的材料,印为《小说旧闻钞》,以省青年的检查之力 I will print materials collected while compiling A Brief History of Chinese Fiction in Old Stories in the History of Chinese Fiction to save young people the time and effort of probing themselves