释义 |
标牌用作产品标志的牌子,上面有符号、图案及特殊的色彩、字体等logo 有的干脆就把当年生产的酒打上年份酒标牌,而且想标哪年就标哪年。 Some simply label bottles of alcohol from that year with labels marked with the year of production and they put the label from any year on the bottles. 市民将会陆续在北京的各个加油站看到新的89号、92号、95号标牌,分别取代原先的90号、93号、97号。 Residents are going to see signs for the 89, the 92, and the 95 at petrol stations all over Beijing, replacing the 90, the 93, and the 97 respectively.
标语牌signboard 一名工人正在深圳罗湖桥头“香港明天会更好”标牌脚手架上对中文题词作最后的修饰。 A worker is making the final modifications to a slogan saying "Hong Kong will be better tomorrow" on scaffolding on the Luohu Bridge in Shenzhen. 张厂长不抽烟,那禁烟的标牌也就在门上贴得醒目。 Director Zhang doesn't smoke. That no-smoking sigh is hung in an eye-catching way on the door.