释义 |
架子支架;骨架;搁架stand; frame; shelf 比喻事物的组织、结构framework 傲慢作风haughty attitude 没有架子 be modest and unassuming 放下架子 get off one's high horse 放下臭架子,甘当小学生 cast off one's airs and show one's willingness to learn 这人的臭架子可不小。 This person is really arrogant. 好大架子! What arrogance! 他为人和蔼可亲,一点架子都没有。 He's mild and good-natured, without a hint of arrogance.
参见:架式[jiàshi]; 参见:摆架子[bǎi jiàzi];搭架子[dā jiàzi];拿架子[ná jiàzi]