




  • 你说得是。

    You are right.

  • 一无是处

    nowhere that is correct

  • 应早做准备才是。

    Preparations should be made early.

  • 这就是你的不是了。

    You are in the wrong on this one.



  • 是月

    this month

  • 是日

    this day

  • 自是日起

    from this day on

  • 是人也

    this person

  • 由是可知

    from this one realises that


表示承认或应答used to express assent

  • 是的,这是我做的。

    Yes, it was me who did it.

  • 是的,你没有弄错。

    Yes, you did not get it wrong.

  • 是的,都对。

    Yes, it is all correct.

  • “把逮捕的人带上来!”“是!”。

    "Bring the prisoners here!" "Yes, sir!"

  • “这公事是你送来的吗?”“是的”。

    "Did you refer this matter over?" "Yes!"

认为正确<书>to believe

  • 深是其言

    truly believe in their words

起联系作用to be

  • 社会主义社会是一个相当长的历史阶段。

    Socialism is a relatively long historical stage.

  • 战争的决定因素是人,不是物。

    People, not things, are the factors that decide a war.

  • 当前形势的特点是什么?

    What are the special features of the current situation?

  • 鲁迅的小说《狂人日记》是我国文学革命的第一声春雷。

    Lu Xun's story Diary of a Madman heralded China's literary revolution.

  • 这是一种很复杂的机器。

    This is a very complex machine.

  • 她是我的姐姐。

    She is my elder sister.

  • 他是个什么样的人?

    What sort of a person is he?

起分类作用used to indicate sort

  • 这张桌子是石头的。

    This table is made of stone.

  • 我是来看他的。

    I have come to see him.

表示陈述某种情况used to emphasize a particular situation

  • 我是一片好心。

    I mean well.

  • 院子里是冬天,屋子里是春天。

    It is winter in the yard but spring inside.

  • 嘴上是一套,心里又是一套

    say one thing and think another

  • 你这话是什么意思?

    What do you mean by this remark?

  • 意思是说这一工作很重要。

    The meaning is that this job is very important.

  • 事情是这样的。

    It's like this.

表示存在used to emphasise the existence of something

  • 房子前面是花园。

    There is a garden in front of the house.

  • 他跑得满身是汗。

    He was covered in sweat from running.

表示互不混淆used to emphasize the distinct nature of two things

  • 去年是去年,今年是今年,你当年年一个样哪!

    Last year was last year; this year is this year. Do you really think every year is the same?

  • 敌是敌,友是友,必须分清界限。

    Friends are friends and foes are foes. One must draw a clear line between them.

  • 说是说,做是做,有意见也不能耽误干活儿。

    Saying is one thing, doing is another. Even if one has opinions one cannot let them get in the way of work.

表示让步used when conceding something

  • 东西旧是旧,可是还能用。

    These things might be old, but they can still be used.

  • 我去是去,可是不在那儿吃饭。

    I will go but I will not eat there.

  • 诗是好诗,就是长了些。

    The poem is a good one but it is just a bit long.

表示坚决肯定used to indicate certainty

  • 他那天是没去。

    He did not go that day!

  • 这本书是好,你可以看看。

    This book really is good. You should read it.

  • 我是不知道。

    I really do not know!

  • 嗯,是这么一回事儿。

    Yes, that is what it is like.

  • 对,当然是这样。

    Yes, of course it is like that.

加重语气used for emphasis

  • 是谁告诉你的?

    Who was it that told you?


  • 是活儿他都干。

    He will do any work.

适合used to indicate suitability

  • 想的很是路

    think in just the right way

  • 现在下雨是时候。

    Now is just the time for it to rain.

  • 东西放的是地方。

    The items have been put in exactly the right place.

用于选择问句、是非问句used to form questions when there is a choice between two alternatives

  • 你是吃饭是吃面?

    Will you have rice or noodles?

  • 你是累了不是?

    Are you tired or not?





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