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摸着石头过河比喻在实践中谨慎地探索着前进,边实践边摸索经验的工作方法to proceed cautiously, gathering experience as one goes; to cross a river by feeling the stones 在打进敌境后,必须“摸着石头过河”,走一步看一步,根据战场上的变化情况,不断修改和发展自己的作战方案。 After entering enemy territory, one must proceed cautiously, taking one step at a time and observing as one goes. One must constantly revise and develop one's battle plan according to the changing situation on the battlefield. 面对国内政策的各种束缚,他们“摸着石头过河”,在摸索中前进。 Faced with the various restrictions imposed by domestic policy, they are proceeding cautiously, gathering experience as they go.