释义 |
指- n.
手指头finger 一指宽或一指深fingerlength 两指宽的纸条 a strip of paper two fingerbreadths wide 下了三指雪。 It snowed three fingerlengths deep. 这双鞋大了一指。 These shoes are bigger by a finger.
- v.
对着to point to 参见:指点[zhǐdiǎn] 头发直立to stand on end 针对to refer to 这指的是谁? who does this refer to? 你指的是什么? what are you referring to? 他暗中指的什么? what is he trying to hint at? 他这话是指我说的。 He's referring to what I said. 不难明白,他这儿指的是谁。 It's not hard to understand who he's referring to here.