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拒赔“拒绝赔偿给付”。保险公司对被保险人进行保险赔偿时,经审查后发现赔偿条件不足或超出赔偿范围等不予赔偿的行为to refuse to pay an indemnity 该公司却提出人体有206块骨头、他只保了106块骨头等理由拒赔。 This insurance company refused to pay the indemnity, using reasons such as there are 206 bones in the human body and he had only insured 106 bones. 4S店加装配件卖高价投诉频发,存车险拒赔等风险。 There are frequent complaints about dealerships that install accessories and sell at high prices, with a risk that car insurance claims will be rejected.