释义 |
才子佳人talented man and beautiful woman 指新中国成立以后戏曲舞台上经常演出的才子佳人题材的剧目operatic theme that tells the story of a talented man and a beautiful lady 才子佳人戏看多了,我对越剧的印象,就停留在张生的猴急与轻薄中。 I have seen so many operas about talented men and beautiful ladies that my impression of Yue opera has gone no further than the impatience and frivolity of Zhang Sheng. 而《唐琬》无疑是京剧表现“才子佳人”题材的又一次尝试。 Moreover,Tang Wan is undoubtedly another attempt of Beijing opera to tackle the theme of talented men and beautiful women.