释义 |
意见看法或想法opinion 对于提案的意见 opinions on the proposal 恰如其分的意见 appropriate opinion 据同志们的意见 according to the opinions of the comrades 征求意见 call for opinions 发表意见 air one's opinion 对这个报告发表了很好的意见 stated a very good opinion regarding this report 提出意见 state one's opinion 交换意见 exchange opinions 考虑意见 consider opinions 保留意见 reserve an opinion 保留自己的意见 reserve one's opinion 意见分歧 divergence of opinions 意见一致 opinions are identical 我和你意见一致。 I agree with your opinion. 赞同大家的意见 agree with everyone's opinion 听取群众的意见 adopt the opinions of the masses 你的意见怎么样? What is your opinion? 回答所有这些意见并不难。 It is not difficult to answer these opinions.
不满意的想法参见:闹意见[nào yìjiàn]; objection