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悲催表示不称意,不顺心,失败,伤心,悔恨等意思。出自《孔雀东南飞》阿母大“悲摧”一句。带有较强的戏谑意味expresses a range of negative emotions including dissatisfaction, failure, sadness, and regret, with a pronounced humorous tone 让剩女的生活更加悲催的是周围人给的无形或者有形的压力。 What makes life even more frustrating for "leftover women" is the tangible and intangible pressures they face from the people around them. 假文物泛滥让绝大多数民间收藏者做了冤大头,无疑是一件很“悲催”的事。 The profusion of fake artefacts has made the vast majority of ordinary collectors into suckers. It is undoubtedly a woeful tale.