




  • 这我们也同意。

    I also agree on this.

  • 原来这里也没有地方。

    There isn't any space here either.

  • 核武器的出现,并没有,也不可能解决当代世界的各种基本矛盾。

    The emergence of nuclear weapons has not and will not solve the basic contradictions of the contemporary world.

  • 他学习好,工作也好。

    He studies hard and works hard too.

  • 既然他做得到,我也能做得到。

    Since he can do it, I can do it too.

表示并列as well; used to indicate juxtaposition

  • 他也看书,也看报。

    He reads both books and newspapers.

  • 也有好的,也有坏的。

    There are good things and bad things.

  • 在这间屋子里也上课,也开会。

    There are both classes and meetings in this room.


  • 动物也好,植物也好,没有太阳不能生存。

    Neither animals or plants can survive without the sun.

  • 她也好,他也好,两个人都不对。

    Both he and she are wrong.

  • 我左想也不对,右想也不对。

    However I think about it it is wrong.


  • 好在离家也不远。

    The positive side is that it's not far from home.

  • 即使不愿意,也得这样。

    Even if you aren't willing, it still has to be like this.

  • 即使你不说,我也会知道的。

    Even if he doesn't say it, I know.

  • 我虽然没有见过他,也听人说过。

    I haven't seen him, but I have heard of him.

用于强调否定语气used to emphasize negation

  • 一点儿也不错

    not wrong in the slightest

  • 他什么也不会。

    He can't do anything.

  • 他连这些道理也不懂。

    He doesn't even understand these principles.

  • 我一个例子也找不到。

    I can't find any examples.

  • 我连想也不想。

    It didn't even occur to me.

  • 既然连他也不能告诉你,那就谁也不会告诉你了。

    Since even he can't tell you, no one can tell you.

  • 一句话也别再说了。

    Don't say another word.

表示委婉used to indicate a mild tone

  • 这倒也罢了

    that wouldn't be so bad

  • 这倒也不怕

    this isn't so scary

  • 也只好如此。

    So be it.

auxiliary word

表示判断或解释used to emphasize an explanation or decision

  • 非也。

    This is not so.

  • 不可不慎也。

    You must be very careful.

表示疑问或反诘used to indicated a question or counter-question

  • 何也?


  • 何许人也?

    Who are they?

  • 汝不知也?

    You don't know?

  • 你道难也不难?

    do you think it is difficult?

  • 未知是也不是?

    don't know if it is or not

  • 是可忍也,孰不可忍也?

    how can this be tolerated?

表示停顿used to indicate a pause

  • 吾生也有涯,而知也无涯。

    My life is limited, while knowledge is limitless.





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