释义 |
忙- v.
忙碌地做to be occupied with something 从早到晚瞎忙 potter around all day 她在厨房里忙着呢。 She is busy in the kitchen. 近来你忙什么呢? What have you been up to lately? 我实在忙不过来。 I'm honestly too busy to come. 工作多,一个人忙不过来 there is a lot of work, more than one person can finish
急忙to hurry 忙着启程 hurry to depart 他忙着要走。 He's in a hurry to leave. 他忙问道。 He asked in a hurry. 还早呢,忙什么。 It's still early, what's the hurry? 还来得及,这么忙干什么。 There's still time. What's the hurry? 用不着忙。 There's no need to hurry. 别忙! There's no hurry! 忙中有错。 Haste causes errors.
- adj.
事情多busy 大忙季节 busy season 工作忙。 Be busy with work. 因为工作忙 because work is busy 忙在点子上 be busy with important work 忙得要命 be incredibly busy 社会工作非常忙。 There is lots of social work that needs to be done. 她忙于家务。 She is busy with housework. 她忙于照顾病人。 She is busy looking after patients. 我今天跑来跑去简直忙坏了。 I've been running to and fro all day, I'm really rushed off my feet. 他忙得不可开交。 He's very busy. 我忙极了。 I'm extremely busy. 这几天大家都很忙。 Everyone has been really busy these past few days. 秋收是农民最忙的时候。 Autumn harvest is the busiest time for farmers.