释义 |
心眼儿心里头heart 从心眼儿里憎恨敌人 despise the enemy right from the heart 打心眼儿里高兴 happy down to the bottom of one's heart 她打心眼儿里喜欢儿媳妇。 She loves her daughter-in-law from the bottom of her heart. 你的话说到我心眼儿里去了。 You have spoken right to my heart.
参见:心地 死心眼儿 inflexible 心眼儿好 kind-hearted 没安好心眼儿 not have good intentions
机智intelligence 顾虑misgivings(plural) 参见:心胸 心眼儿小 narrow-minded 心眼儿窄的人 narrow-minded person
想法参见:耍心眼儿[shuǎ xīnyǎnr]; thought