释义 |
主打起主要作用的most important 该套装主打时尚超薄。 The most important fashion in this set of clothing is super thin. 目前颈椎病最好的治疗方法主打微创。 Currently, of the best methods of treating cervical spondylopathy, keyhole surgery is the most important.
主要角色leading 主要部分main part 本届旅游节以“锦绣潇湘,快乐湖南”为主题,将主打“水体”旅游。 The theme of this travel festival will be "Brocaded Xiaoxiang, Happy Hunan", and it will be mainly concerned with "water travel" 当当网团购业务将主打精品团购。 The main dangdang.com group purchase transactions will be for luxury items.