释义 |
好- v.
喜爱to like 好动 be active 小孩子总是好动的。 Children can just never sit still. 他生性好静。 He has always been quiet. 好打扮 like dressing up 好交际 like socializing 好管闲事 like getting involved in other people's business 好表现自己 like showing off 人各有所好。 Everyone has their own taste. 唯仁者能好人,能恶人。 Only a truly benevolent person can appreciate others or dislike them.
- adv.
常常often 容易easily 小孩子病了,所以好哭。 The child cries easily because it is sick. 他好发脾气。 He loses his temper easily. 椅子做得不坚固,好坏。 The chairs are not built all that solidly, so they break easily.