释义 |
一时一个时期period of time 此一时,彼一时。 Times have changed. 一时无出其右 unmatched for a period
短时间moment 一时的热情 a moment of passion 一时的误会 a moment of misunderstanding 一时之快 a moment's satisfaction 一时之需 temporary needs 一时的冲动 momentary impulse 一时还用不着 it is no use at the moment 只顾一时 take a short view 这是一时的现象。 This is a temporary phenomenon. 这只能隐瞒一时 this can only be covered up temporarily 他有病,一时不能工作。 He is ill, and can't work any time soon.
偶然momentarily 时而... this moment, ... the next 一时晴,一时雨 sunny one moment, rainy the next 一时冷,一时热 cold one moment, hot the next