释义 |
合- n.
【天】conjunction 【音】the fifth note of the musical scale in gongche notation and equivalent to sol in the tonic sol-fa system
- measure word
- v.
闭上to close 合上书 close a book 合上嘴 close one's mouth 合上眼 close one's eyes
结合到一起to join 符合to tally with 合条件 meet requirements 合心意 to one's liking 不合时宜 inopportune 这是不合规章的。 This does not meet with regulations. 样样不合她的心意。 Nothing is to her liking. 这个菜合不合你的口味? Is this dish to your liking?
折合to be equal to 共计to total 连工带料合多少钱? How much will it cost in total, including material and tailoring? 这衣服做成了合多少钱。 How much did this piece of clothing cost to make in total?
- adj.
- auxiliary word