释义 |
吃不饱喻指任务过少,劳动力有剩余to have excess labour; to not have enough to eat 近几年之所以亏损严重,原因是多方面的,主观上是管理不善,客观上是吃不饱,无布可染,生产任务严重不足。 There are many reasons why recent years have seen heavy losses. Subjectively we can point to mismanagement. Objectively, there is excess labour: we don’t have enough orders; there are no cloths to dye. 改造后的东门商业步行街由于商铺扩容太快,出现部分商家因“僧多粥少”而吃不饱的现象。 After its renovation, shops on the East gate pedestrian street expanded too fast, leading to some businesses suffering from excess labour—they have too many employees and not enough customers.