释义 |
受- v.
接受to receive 受教育的权利 right to receive education 受过教育的人 educated person 受技术训练 receive technical training 受欢迎的客人 welcomed guest 受他领导的机构 organization led by him 受之有愧 unworthy of 受之无愧 worthy of 这本书一度大受欢迎。 This book was once very popular. 我受过他的不少帮助和好处。 I have received a lot of help from him.
遭受to suffer 觉得很受委屈 feel one has suffered a grievance 受攻击 suffer an attack 受申斥 suffer a reprimand 受人侮辱 suffer people's insults 受诱惑 suffer temptation 受官僚主义的压制 suffer bureaucratic suppression 受战争威胁 suffer the threat of war 受监视 be under surveillance 受人利用 suffer exploitation 受审讯 suffer interrogation 受旱地区 suffer drought 庄稼受了虫害。 The crops have been damaged by insects.
忍受;禁受to bear; to endure 受饥受冻 endure hunger and cold 受考验 endure an ordeal 受不住刑 unable to bear torture 受不住尖锐批评 can't bear sharp criticism 受不了这种欺负和侮辱 can't bear this type of bullying and abuse 桥梁受不住这么大的压力。 The bridge can't bear such huge pressure. 痛得受不住 unable to bear the pain 我什么都受得了。 I can endure anything. 那些苦真够他受的。 He has suffered enough hardship.
适合<方>to be pleasant 受吃 pleasant to eat 受喝 pleasant to drink 受听 pleasant to the ear