释义 |
包养把生活资料或生活费用等全部承担下来to take responsibility for all daily needs 政府拨款、人头包养,是许多文艺团体与政府主管部门常年形成的关系。 Government grants and the responsibility taken for people's daily needs make up the year-round relations between many arts groups and the government departments that manage them. 机关干部包养数百黑车,正规出租车被逼停运。 The cadres in the organization run several hundred unlicensed taxis, and official taxis have been forced out of business.
特指为婚外异性(多指女性)提供房屋、金钱等,并与之长期保持性关系to provide a person one is having an affair with with a house and money 校长竟然收受包工头的贿赂款包养三陪女。 The school principal surprisingly accepted a bribe from a contractor foreman and used it to keep three mistresses. 该官员包养二奶、养育私生女的帖子在网上迅速传播。 Posts describing how this official kept a mistress and illegitimate daughter spread rapidly on the Internet.