

 (鸟兽、昆虫住处) nest:
  狗窝 kennel; doghouse;
  鸡窝 hencoop; roost;
  蜂窝 beehive;
  鸟窝 bird's nest;
  蚂蚁窝 anthill
 (比喻坏人聚居处) den; lair; nest:
  土匪窝 bandits' lair (nest);
  赌窝 gambling den
  (方) (比喻人体或物体所占的位置) place:
  挪窝儿 move to other place;
  不动窝 not budge an inch
 (凹进处) pit; hollow:
  酒窝 dimple;
  夹肢窝 armpit;
  眼窝 eye socket;
  心窝 the pit of the stomach
 (窝藏) harbour; shelter:
  窝匪 harbour a bandit;
  窝娼 keep a prostitute
 (郁积不得发作或发挥) hold in (back); suppress; check:
  窝风 prevent wind from passing through;
  窝火 choke with anger; pent-up rage
 (使弯或曲折) bend; flex:
  把树枝窝个圆圈 bend the twig into a circle
 (用于动物) brood; litter:
  一窝小鸡 a brood of chickens;
  一窝小猫 a litter of little cats




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