

字词 窒息
释义 窒息
 zhì xī
 stifle; suffocate; {医} asphyxia; apnea; asphyxiation; suffocation; stuffiness; smotheration; smothering(树苗):
  火患发生时, 他被困在舱底下窒息而死。 During the fire, he was trapped under the cabin and was suffocated to death.
  骨头卡在喉咙里使他窒息。 The bone wedged in his throat and strangled him.
 窒息弹 stifling bomb;
 窒息剂 asphyxiant; asphyxiator;
 窒息死亡 death by suffocation;
 窒息药 asphyxiant;
 窒息装置 asphyxiator;
 窒息作物 smother crop




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