

字词 穿插
释义 穿插
 chuān chā
 (交叉) alternate; do alternately; do in turn:
  施肥和除草穿插进行 do manuring and weeding in turn;
  舞蹈、诗歌朗诵穿插表演。 Dances and recitations of poems are performed alternately.
 (交织) interweave; weave in; insert:
  他在报告中穿插了一些生动的例子。 His talk was spiced with vivid examples.
  {军} (利用敌人的间隙和薄弱部分插入敌人纵深) thrust deep into the enemy forces:
  穿插到敌后 thrust into the enemy's rear;
  穿插分割敌人 penetrate and cut up the enemy forces;
  穿插营 deep-thrust battalion;
  打穿插 fight a deep-thrust battle
 (衬托主题而安排的一些次要情节) subplot; interlude; episode




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