字词 | 空 |
释义 | 空 kōng 形 (不包含什么; 里面没有东西或没有内容; 不切实际的) empty; hollow; void: 空房间 an empty room; 空酒瓶 a bottle empty of wine; 空箱子 an empty box; 房间很快就腾空了。 The room emptied very quickly. 屋里空无一人。 There isn't a single soul in the house. 这棵树被虫子蛀空了。 This tree has been eaten hollow by worms. 竹子很轻, 因为它中间是空的。 Bamboo is light because it is hollow. 名 (天空) sky; air: 领空 territorial sky (air); 晴空 a clear (bright) sky; 星空 starlit (starry) sky; 夜空 the night sky {佛教} emptiness; void of the world of senses: 四大皆空。 All space-directions are void.; Everything is emptiness. (姓氏) a surname: 空全 Kong Quan 副 (没有效果; 白白地) for nothing; in vain: 空忙 make fruitless efforts; 空跑一趟 make a journey for nothing 另见 kòng。 2) 空 kòng 动 (腾出来; 使空) leave empty or blank; empty; vacate: 空出一个抽屉 empty a drawer; 每段开头要空两格。 Leave two blank spaces at the beginning of each paragraph. 请把前面一排座位空出来。 Please leave the front row of seats vacant. 形 (没有被利用或里面缺少东西) unoccupied; vacant; blank: 空房 a vacant room; 空行 blank line; 空座位 unoccupied seat; 车厢里空得很。 There are many vacant seats in the carriage. 名 (尚未占用的地方) empty space: 各行之间多留点空儿。 Leave a little more space between the rows. 用正确的词填空。 Fill the blank spaces with right words. (尚未占用的时间) free time; spare time: 今天没空儿, 改日再谈吧。 I'm busy today. Let's talk about it some other day. 你有空儿吗? Are you free? 有空儿到我这儿来。 Come over when you have time. 另见 kōng。 |
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