

字词 稳态
释义 稳态
 wěn tài
 {物} {电} steady state
 稳态波动 {物} steady-state wave motion;
 稳态超导体 stabilized superconductor;
 稳态电流 steady-state current;
 稳态短路电流 steady-state shortcircuit current;
 稳态方程式 steady-state equation;
 稳态方位 {航空} steady bearing;
 稳态分配 {分化} steady-state distribution;
 稳态分析 steady-state analysis;
 稳态概率 probability of stability;
 稳态畸变 steady-state distortion;
 稳态解 steady-state solution;
 稳态聚变堆 steady-state fusion reactor;
 稳态聚变系统 steady-state fusion system;
 稳态控制 homeostatic control;
 稳态脉冲 steady-state pulse (SSP);
 稳态锚泊 holsom;
 稳态偏差 steady-state deviation;
 稳态频率调整(控制) steady-state frequency control;
 稳态蠕变 steady state creep;
 稳态三相短路电流 sustained three-phase short-circuit current;
 稳态生长 steady-state growth;
 稳态声场 steady sound field;
 稳态输出 steady-state output;
 稳态随机过程 stationary random process;
 稳态特性 steady-state characteristic;
 稳态条件 steady-state condition;
 稳态稳定极限 steady-state stability limit;
 稳态误差 steady-state error;
 稳态误差表示式 steady-state error expression;
 稳态系统 steady-state system;
 稳态系统误差 steady-state system error;
 稳态回应 steady-state response;
 稳态信号 steady-state signal;
 稳态性能 steady-state behaviour;
 稳态音响特性 acoustic characteristics at steady state;
 稳态引力场 stationary gravitational field;
 稳态优化 steady-state optimization;
 稳态运动 stable state of motion;
 稳态增益 steady-state gain;
 稳态振荡 steady (-state) oscillation;
 稳态振动 steady-state vibration; steady-state oscillation;
 稳态值 steady-state value;
 稳态滞后现象 stationary hysteresis




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