

字词 稳定
释义 稳定
 wěn dìng
 (使稳定) stabilize; steady:
  稳定经济 stabilize the economy;
  稳定通货 stabilize currency;
  稳定物价 stabilize commodity prices; price stabilization; maintain prices at a stable level;
  稳定货币流通 stabilize the circulation of money;
  稳定情绪 set sb.'s mind at rest; reassure sb.;
  使船只重新稳定下来 steady a boat again
 (稳固安定) stable; steady:
  情绪稳定 be in a calm, unruffled mood;
  稳定的步伐 a steady pace;
  稳定的多数 a stable majority;
  不稳定的国际金融市场 a shaky international monetary market
 (物质的性能不易改变的作用) stabilization; stationary; equilibrium; {天} immobile
 稳定靶 stable target;
 稳定本机振荡器 stalo; stable local oscillator;
 稳定臂 arm of stability;
 稳定标准 stability criterion;
 稳定表面 surface of stability;
 稳定波 {物} neutral wave; stable wave;
 稳定补偿系统 stability compensating system;
 稳定部分 steady component;
 稳定参数 steadiness parameter;
 稳定残余矿物 stable relict mineral;
 稳定常数 {化} stability constant;
 稳定场 stationary field;
 稳定沉积区 lithotope;
 稳定出口收入 STABEX;
 稳定储备量 margin of stability;
 稳定传感器 stability sensor;
 稳定传热 steady heat transfer;
 稳定串语言 stable string language;
 稳定磁控管 stabilized magnetron;
 稳定大陆边缘 stable continental margin;
 稳定带 stabilized zone;
 稳定导热 steady heat conduction;
 稳定岛 island of stability;
 稳定等价 stable equivalent;
 稳定地块 stable block;
 稳定点 {数} stable point; anchor point;
 稳定电流 standing current;
 稳定电路 stabilizing circuit; stabilizing;
 稳定电容器陶瓷 stable capacitor ceramics;
 稳定电位 stable potential;
 稳定电压 burning voltage; maintaining voltage;
 稳定电源 stabilized power source; regulated power supply;
 稳定反馈 stabilized feedback; stabilizing feedback;
 稳定反馈网络 stabilizing feedback network;
 稳定范围 stability range;
 稳定方法 antihunt means;
 稳定放大器 stabilizing amplifier;
 稳定放大器栅极电压 regulator-amplifier-grid voltage;
 稳定飞行 {航空} stabilized flight; steady flight;
 稳定分布 {物} stationary distribution;
 稳定分法 antihunt means;
 稳定分析 stability analysis;
 稳定分析法 stability method;
 稳定负载 steady load;
 稳定负载电阻 bleeder;
 稳定概率 probability of stability;
 稳定工况 steady working condition;
 稳定工作时期 yoking;
 稳定光栅 stationary raster;
 稳定过程 {化工} stabilization;
 稳定核素 stable nuclide;
 稳定河槽 channel stabilization;
 稳定河 poised river (stream);
 稳定荷载 steady load;
 稳定环节 stable element;
 稳定回路 stable loop;
 稳定火焰 balanced condition of flame;
 稳定货币 stable currency;
 稳定极限 stability limit;
 稳定剂 stabilizing agent; stabilizer; stabilizator;
 稳定计 stabilimeter;
 稳定计划 stabilization plan;
 稳定计算 stability calculation;
 稳定价格 price stabilization;
 稳定价格卡特尔 price stabilization cartel;
 稳定降温法 stability cooling method;
 稳定接收机 regulated receiver;
 稳定解 stable solution;
 稳定借款 stabilization loan;
 稳定进化 stasigenesis;
 稳定晶体管 stable transistor;
 稳定矩阵 stable matrix;
 稳定抗性 stable resistance;
 稳定控制过程 stable control process;
 稳定框 shakeless deckle;
 稳定矿物 resistant mineral;
 稳定励磁 stabilization of excitation;
 稳定流变 steady flow;
 稳定陆架相 stable-shelf facies;
 稳定滤波器 stable filter;
 稳定络合物 stable complex;
 稳定面 stabilizing surface;
 稳定木 staypak;
 稳定判据 stability criterion;
 稳定喷发 permanent eruption;
 稳定偏移 steady drift;
 稳定频率建立时间 build-up time of frequency stabilization;
 稳定平衡 stable equilibrium;
 稳定平衡点 stable equilibrium point;
 稳定平衡状态 stability;
 稳定平台 stable platform;
 稳定期 {微} stationary phase;
 稳定器 stabilizer; stabilizator; regulator; smoother; reactor;
 稳定前馈 stabilizing feedforward;
 稳定腔 stable cavity;
 稳定区 stable region;
 稳定渠道 stable canal;
 稳定曲线 curve of stability;
 稳定燃烧 smooth burning; smooth combustion;
 稳定日珥型耀斑 stationary prominence flare;
 稳定人口 stationary population;
 稳定溶源性 stable lysogeny;
 稳定蠕变 steady creep;
 稳定伞 {航空} deceleration parachute; drogue;
 稳定扫栅 stationary raster;
 稳定沙丘 arrested dune;
 稳定渗流 steady seepage;
 稳定时间 stabilization time; settling time;
 稳定时期 stationary stage;
 稳定试井 oil well potential test;
 稳定收敛 stable convergence;
 稳定态 stable state; stationary state;
 稳定碳化物孕育剂 stabilizing inoculant;
 稳定调整 stabilizing adjustment;
 稳定同伦群 stability homotopy group;
 稳定同位素 stable isotope;
 稳定土 stabilized soil;
 稳定图 stability diagram;
 稳定网络 stabilizing network;
 稳定位置偏差 steady position deviation;
 稳定物价 steady price;
 稳定温度 equilibrium temperature;
 稳定系 stability series;
 稳定系统 stable system;
 稳定系数 coefficient of stability;
 稳定现象 {植} stabilization;
 稳定线路调整 stabilizing adjustment;
 稳定相 stable phase;
 稳定效应 stabilizing effect;
 稳定谐振腔 stable resonator;
 稳定盐 sta-salt;
 稳定岩瘤 (德) platte;
 稳定氧化酶 aldamine;
 稳定液 stabilizing solution;
 稳定翼 stabilizer;
 稳定翼气动力特性 stabilizer aerodynamic characteristics;
 稳定因数 stability factor; stabilization factor;
 稳定因素 ballast;
 稳定因子 stable factor;
 稳定应变 steady strain;
 稳定影响 stabilizing influence;
 稳定余量 stability margin;
 稳定渔获量 steady catch;
 稳定域 stable region; stability loci; stability domain;
 稳定裕量 stability margin;
 稳定元件 stable element;
 稳定运行 stable operation; steady operation;
 稳定增长 steady growth;
 稳定振荡 stable oscillation; stationary vibration; stationary oscillation;
 稳定振荡环节 stable oscillation element;
 稳定振幅 stabilized amplitude;
 稳定蒸发 steady-state evaporation;
 稳定支撑 outrigger;
 稳定值 stable value;
 稳定主控振荡器 stabilized master oscillator (SMO);
 稳定状态 stable state;
 稳定准则 stability criterion;
 稳定作用 stabilization




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