

 (姓氏) a surname:
  种嵩 Chong Hao
 另见 zhǒng; zhòng。
 2) 种(種)
 (种植) plant; sow; grow; cultivate:
  地里种着水稻、 棉花和蔬菜。 The land is cultivated with rice, cotton and vegetable.
  让我们在田里种春小麦吧。 Let's sow our field with spring wheat.
  山坡上种了茶树。 The slopes of the hills were planted with tea bushes.
  我们可以在那儿种一点儿花。 Let's grow some flowers over there.
 另见 zhǒng。
 3) 种(種)
 (物种的简称) species:
  物种起源 The Origin of Species;
  本地种 endemic species;
  外地种 exotic species
 (人种) race:
  混血种 mixed blood;
  蒙古人种 the Mongolian race
 (生物传代繁殖的物质) seed; strain; breed:
  马铃薯种 potato seeds;
  杂交种 hybrid strain; cross breeding
 (指胆量或骨气) guts; spunk; grit; backbone:
  真有种 have plenty of spunk;
  孬种 coward;
  有种的站出来! Let anyone who has guts step forward!
 (姓氏) a surname:
  种良 Zhong Liang
 (表示种类, 用于人和任何事物) kind; sort; type; variety:
  各种各样 all kinds of; a variety of; all sorts of; various types of;
  好几种颜色 different colours;
  30种钢材 thirty types of rolled steel;
  这种行为 this kind of behaviour;
  他不是那种人。 He is not a man of that sort.
 另见 zhòng。




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