

 (禁受; 耐) bear; stand; endure:
  弱不禁风 too weak (frail) to stand a gust of wind;
  这布禁洗吗? Will this cloth stand a lot of washing?
  这鞋禁穿。 These shoes are durable.
 (忍住) contain (restrain) oneself:
  不禁流下眼泪 cannot hold back one's tears;
  不禁哑然失笑 can't help laughing
 另见 jìn。
 (禁止) prohibit; forbid; ban:
  法律禁吸鸦片。 Opium taking is prohibited by law.
  严禁烟火。 Smoking and lighting fires strictly forbidden (prohibited).
 (监禁) imprison; detain:
  监禁 imprison
 (法令或习俗所不允许的事项) what is forbidden by law or custom; a taboo:
  令行禁止 strict enforcement of orders and prohibitions;
  入国问禁 on entering a country ask about its taboos;
  违禁品 contraband (goods)
 (旧时称皇帝居住的地方) royal residence; forbidden area:
  宫禁 the imperial palace;
  紫禁城 the Forbidden City (in Beijing)
 (姓氏) a surname:
  禁平 Jin Ping
 另见 jīn。




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