

 (原张的纸500张为一令) ream (of paper)另见 líng; lìng。
 (姓氏) a surname:
  令勉 Ling Mian
 另见 lǐng; lìng。
 (命令) order; command; decree:
  军令 military orders;
  口令 word of command; password;
  禁令 prohibition; ban
 (酒令) drinker's wager game:
  猜拳行令 play a drinking game by making finger-guessing
 (古代官名) an ancient official title:
  县令 county magistrate;
  令尹 district magistrate
 (时节) season:
  时令 season of the year;
  当令 in season
 (小令) song-poem; short lyric:
  如梦令 a short poem (lyric) set to the tune of Rumeng Ling
 (发出命令) order:
  挟天子以令诸侯 have the emperor in one's power and order the dukes about in his name;
  师长令我们在拂晓前发起攻击。 The division commander ordered that we start the attack before dawn.
 (使) make; cause:
  令人怀疑 cause suspicion;
  令人兴奋 make people excited;
  令人肃然起敬 fill one with respect for
 (美好) good:
  令誉 good reputation;
  巧言令色 pleasing words and smooth manner
  (敬) (尊称对方的亲属) your:
  令慈 your mother;
  令正 your wife;
  令嗣 your son;
  令媛 your daughter
 另见 líng; lǐng。




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