

字词 硬挺
释义 硬挺
 yìng tǐng
 (勉强支撑) endure with all one's will; hold out with all one's might:
  这场病他硬挺过来了。 He succeeded in pulling through the illness.
  你牙疼别硬挺着, 快去治治吧。 Don't just try to put up with your toothache. Go and see the dentist.
  那小伙子受了伤, 还硬挺着把活干完。 In spite of his injuries, the young man stuck it out.
 (硬的) rigid; stiff
 硬挺度 boardy;
 硬挺帽 proofed hat;
 硬挺塔夫绸 paper taffeta;
 硬挺性 (度) stiffness;
 硬挺织物 rigid fabric




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