

字词 石油
释义 石油
 shí yóu
 {地质} petroleum; fossil oil; oil:
  沥青基石油 asphalt-base petroleum;
  石蜡基石油 paraffin-base petroleum
 石油柏油 {材} petroleum tar;
 石油伴生气 oil field gas;
 石油标价(牌价) oil post price;
 石油卟啉 petroporphyrins;
 石油产地使用费 oil royalty;
 石油产品 petroleum products; (管线中)
 石油产品分批点 batch and point;
 石油产品, 散装货、矿、砂三用船 probo (products of oil-bulk-ore);
 石油产品性质 petroleum product property;
 石油成因 origin of oil; origin of petroleum;
 石油虫 petroleum fly;
 石油储存器 oilometer;
 石油储量 oil deposit;
 石油代用品 alternatives to oil;
 石油贷款办法 oil facility (IMF);
 石油地理 petroleum geography;
 石油地球物理勘探 geophysical exploration for oil; geophysical prospecting for oil;
 石油地质(学) petroleum geology;
 石油冻 petroleum jelly;
 石油度 A. P. I.;
 石油发动机燃料 petrol (英);
 石油发酵 petroleum fermentation;
 石油分解微生物 petroleum-degrading microorganism;
 石油干性油 petropons;
 石油工业 oildom; oil industry; petroleum industry;
 石油管道 petroleum pipeline;
 石油化工 petrochemical industry;
 石油化工厂 petrochemical works;
 石油化工产品 petrochemicals;
 石油化工用阀 valves for petro-chemical industry;
 石油化工用压缩机 petrochemical compressor;
 石油磺酸盐 petroleum sulfonate;
 石油加工 petroleum processing;
 石油加工产品 refinery products;
 石油紧完分配方案 emergency allocation scheme;
 石油焦(炭) {材} petroleum coke;
 石油精 benzin;
 石油精癖 benzinomania;
 石油聚集 oil accumulation;
 石油开采 oil exploitation;
 石油勘探 oil exploration;
 石油勘探船 petroleum surveying ship;
 石油库 oil depot;
 石油蜡 petroleum wax;
 石油炼制 petroleum refining;
 石油馏分 petroleum distillate;
 石油录井(钻井见油记录) oil log;
 石油醚 benzinum; ligarine; ligroine; solene; sherwood oil; petroleum ether;
 石油密度计 petroleum densimeter;
 石油喷发 blow out;
 石油普查 oil finding;
 石油圈闭 petroleum trap;
 石油燃料 petroleum fuel;
 石油乳剂 kerosene emulsion;
 石油软膏 petrosapol;
 石油砂 tar sand;
 石油生成 oil genesis;
 石油省 petrocene; viridine;
 石油输送 oil-transferring;
 石油输出国组织 Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries; OPEC;
 石油树脂 Petropols; petroleum resin; quinton;
 石油天然气地质 petroleum geology;
 石油添加剂 petroleum additive;
 石油通货膨胀 oil inflation;
 石油微生物学 petroleum microbiology;
 石油危机 oil crisis;
 石油污染 oil polution;
 石油氧化物 petrox;
 石油英 ligroin;
 石油盈余 oil surplus;
 石油运输 oil transport;
 石油运移 migration;
 石油炸药 axite;
 石油蒸馏尾楼 tail house;
 石油政治 petropolitics;
 石油脂 petrolatum;
 石油质 malthenes;
 石油组成 petroleum composition;
 石油钻机轴承 oil-drill bearing;
 石油钻井平台 oil drilling platform




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