

 (空间、时间两端之间的距离小) short; brief:
  冬季日短夜长。 In winter the days are short and the nights long.
  那外衣的袖子稍短了些。 The coat is a little short in the sleeves.
  他说话简短。 He is brief of speech.
  我给他写了封短信。 I dropped him a few lines.
  这条路最短。 This is the shortest way.
 (缺少; 欠) lack; owe:
  不短他钱 do not owe him money;
  理短 lack sound argument;
  别人都来了, 就短他一个。 All the others are here; he's the only one missing.
 (缺点) weak point; fault:
  护短 shield a shortcoming or fault;
  揭人的短儿 pick on sb.'s weakness;
  说长道短 gossip
 (姓氏) a surname:
  短仲 Duan Zhong




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