

  (称自己和对方以外的某个人) he:
  他的 his;
  他俩 the two of them;
  他那个人 that person;
  他自己 himself;
  非他莫属。 Nobody else is worthy except him.
  (泛指, 不分男性和女性):
  从笔迹上看不出他是男的还是女的。 You can't tell if it's a man or a woman from handwriting.
  每个老工人都在会上述说了他在旧社会的悲惨身世。 At the meeting, each old worker told what he or she had suffered in the dark old days.
  一个人要是不努力,他就将一事无成。 Nobody can achieve anything of real significance unless he works very hard.
  (虚指, 用在动词和数量词之间):
  饱饱地吃他一顿 have a good dinner;
  唱他几句京戏 sing a few lines of Beijing opera;
  再读他一遍 read it a second time;
  再试他一次 have another try
  (另外的; 其他的) another; other:
  他国 other countries;
  另有他故 have other reasons;
  别无他法。 There are no other ways.
  (别处) elsewhere:
  早已他去 have gone elsewhere




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