

字词 矩阵
释义 矩阵
 jǔ zhèn
 {数} matrix; array
 矩阵编码器 matrix encoder;
 矩阵编译程序 matrix compiler;
 矩阵变换 {讯} matrixing;
 矩阵变换电路 matrixer; matrix circuit;
 矩阵变换法 matrix transform method;
 矩阵表示 matrix notation; matrix representation;
 矩阵表示法 matrix representation;
 矩阵插接板 matrix pin board;
 矩阵程序板 matrix program board;
 矩阵存储器 matrix storage; matrix memory; matrix store;
 矩阵存储系统 matrix storage system;
 矩阵处理语言 matrix manipulation language;
 矩阵代数 matrix algebra; algebra of matrices;
 矩阵代数表 matrix algebra table;
 矩阵单元 {讯} matrix unit;
 矩阵电路 matrix circuit;
 矩阵迭代法 matrix iteration;
 矩阵定理 matrix theorem;
 矩阵对策 matrix game; rectangular game;
 矩阵法 matrix method; matrix technique;
 矩阵反演 matrix inversion; inverse matrix;
 矩阵范数 matrix norm;
 矩阵方程 matrix equation;
 矩阵方法 matrix method;
 矩阵分块 partitioning of matrix;
 矩阵分数 matrix fraction;
 矩阵分析 matrix analysis;
 矩阵符号 matrix notation;
 矩阵管理制 matrix management;
 矩阵光电电子学 phototronics;
 矩阵光电管 phototron;
 矩阵规模 matrix size;
 矩阵函数 matrix function; function of a matrix;
 矩阵环 matrix ring;
 矩阵缓冲器 matrix buffer;
 矩阵积分级数 matrizant;
 矩阵迹 traces of matrix;
 矩阵计算 matrix computation; matrix calculation; matrix calculus;
 矩阵记号 matrix notation;
 矩阵加法器 matrix adder;
 矩阵接收机 matrix receiver;
 矩阵阶 order of a matrix;
 矩阵解法 matrix solution;
 矩阵开关 matrix switch;
 矩阵力学 matrix mechanics;
 矩阵列 rectangular array;
 矩阵论 matrix theory;
 矩阵门 matrix gate;
 矩阵模量 matrix norm;
 矩阵模式 matrix pattern;
 矩阵胚 matroid;
 矩阵求逆 matrix inversion; inverse matrix;
 矩阵驱动脉冲 matrix drive pulse;
 矩阵群 matrix group;
 矩阵寿命试验 matrix life test;
 矩阵特征根 characteristic root of a matrix;
 矩阵特征值 matrix eigenvalue;
 矩阵通流法 matrix through flow method;
 矩阵微分方程 matrix differential equation;
 矩阵文法 matrix grammar;
 矩阵显示 matrix display;
 矩阵显示板 matrix display panel;
 矩阵选择 matrix selection;
 矩阵寻址 matrix addressing;
 矩阵元 matrix element;
 矩阵元件 matrix element;
 矩阵元素 {数} matrix element;
 矩阵运算 matrix operation; multilength arithmetic; matrix manipulation;
 矩阵增益控制 matrix gain control;
 矩阵组 set of matrices




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