字词 | 着 |
释义 | 着 zháo 动 (接触; 挨上) touch: 上下不着边 touch neither the top nor the bottom (感受; 受到) feel; be affected by: 着凉 catch cold; 着风 be affected by a draft; become unwell through being in a draft (燃烧; 灯发光) burn; light: 炉火着得很旺。 The stove is burning briskly. 灯着了。 The light is on.; The lamp is lit up. (方) (入睡) fall asleep; sleep: 他头一沾枕头就着。 He falls asleep as soon as his head hits the pillow. (用在动词后, 表示已经达到目的或有了结果): 睡着了 fell into a sleep; 打着了 have hit the mark; 你见着他了吗? Did you get to see him? 另见 zhāo; zhe; zhuó。 2) 着(著) zhuó 动 (穿) wear (clothes); dress: 身着红衣服 be dressed in red; 穿着得体 dress oneself appropriately; 吃着不尽 have as much food and clothing as one wants (接触; 挨上) touch; come into contact with; get close to: 附着 adhere to; 说话不着边 strayed from the point in one's speech (派遣) send; dispatch: 着人前去搭救 send someone for rescue; 请着人前来领取。 Please send someone here for it. (加上; 附上; 用) apply; use: 再着一把力 make one more effort; 着墨不多 sketchily painted or described; 我还没有给这幅画着色。 I have not applied colours on this drawing. (旧时公文用语, 表示命令的口气): 以上规定,着即施行。 The above regulations are to be enforced immediately. 名 (着落) whereabouts: 经费无着 no funds available; 寻找无着 whereabouts unknown; nowhere to be found 另见 zhāo; zháo; zhe。 “著” 另见 zhù。 3) 着(著) zhe 助 (表示动作的持续): 风轻轻地吹着。 The wind is blowing gently. 他提着箱子走了进去。 He went in carrying his suitcase. 他正吃着午饭呢。 He is having his lunch. 一大片金黄的稻子等着收割。 A vast golden stretch of rice was waiting to be cut. (表示状态的持续): 窗子开着。 The window is open. 桌子上放着一台收音机。 There is a radio on the table.; A radio stands on the table. 山上覆盖着厚厚的积雪。 The mountains are covered with thick snow. (用在动词或表示程度的形容词后面, 加强命令或嘱咐的语气): 脚步轻着点儿。 Walk more quietly. 你听着。 You just listen. 快着点儿。 Be quick. (加在某些动词后面, 使变成介词): 为着 for; 顺着 along; 照着 according to; by; in 另见 zhāo; zháo; zhuó。 4) 着 zhāo 名 (下棋时下一子或走一步) a move in chess: 输他一着 lose a move to him; 走错一着 make a false move; take a wrong step (计策或手段) trick; means; device; move: 别耍花着! Don't try any tricks! 他没着儿了。 He's at the end of his tether. 动 (方) (放; 搁进去) put: 汤里着点儿盐。 Put some salt in the soup. 副 (方) (用于应答, 表示同意) O.K.; all right; well: 着, 就这样干吧。 O.K., do it that way. 这话着哇! Well, that's right. 另见 zháo; zhe; zhuó。 |
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