

字词 相当
释义 相当
 xiāng dāng
 (两方面差不多; 配得上或能够相抵) match; balance; correspond to; be equivalent to; be equal to; be commensurate with (to):
  年龄相当 of about the same age; be well-matched in age;
  得失相当。 The gains balance the losses.
  法国的外交部长相当于美国的国务卿。 The French Minister of Foreign Affairs is the equal of American Secretary of State.
  两个足球队实力相当。 The two football teams are well-matched.
 (适宜; 合适) suitable; fit; appropriate:
  相当的人选 suitable person; fit person;
  相当的字眼 suitable words; appropriate words;
  这工作没有找到相当的人 We haven't found a fit person for this job yet.
 (程度高) quite; fairly; considerably:
  相当成功 quite a success;
  相当好 fairly good;
  相当多 quite a lot (number; few; bit; amount)
 相当位温 equivalent potential temperature;
 相当温度 equivalent temperature;
 相当性 equipollence;
 相当应力 equivalent stress;
 相当正压膜多 equivalent barotropic model




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