字词 | 相 |
释义 | 相 xiàng 名 (相貌; 外貌) looks; appearance: 丑相 ugly looks; 怪相 strange appearance; 显出一副狼狈相 cut a sorry figure; 一副可怜相 a pitiful appearance; a sorry figure; 一脸凶相 a fierce look on one's face; 长相儿 a person's appearance (坐、立等的姿态) bearing; posture: 站没站相, 坐没坐相 not know how to stand or sit properly; 这孩子睡相不好。 The child sleeps sprawled all over the bed. {物} (相位) phase: 三相电动机 three-phase motor; 调相 phase modulation (照片) photograph: 照个相 take a photo; have a photo taken (书) (宰相) prime minister: 丞相 prime minister (in ancient China) (某些国家的官名) minister: 外务相 Minister of (for) Foreign Affairs; Foreign Minister {地质} facies: 海(煤)相 marine (coaly) facies; 浅海相 neritic facies (棋子) elephant, one of the pieces in Chinese chess (姓氏) a surname: 相昕 Xiang Xin 动 (观察; 察看) look at and appraise: 相马 look at a horse to judge its worth; 人不可以貌相。 Never judge a person by his appearance. (书) (辅助) assist: 相夫教子 (of wife) assist husband and bring up children 另见 xiāng。 2) 相 xiāng 副 (互相) each other; one another; mutually: 奔走相告 lose no time in telling each other the news; 素不相识 not know each other; 相距太远 too far apart; 龟蛇二山隔江相望。 Tortoise and Snake Hills face each other across the river. (表示一方对另一方的动作): 好言相劝 advise sb. with kind words; 另眼相看 look upon sb. with special respect or concern; view sb. in a new, more favourable light; 实不相瞒 to tell you the truth; 以礼相待 treat sb. with due respect 动 (亲自观看是否合意) see for oneself (whether sb. or sth. is to one's liking): 相女婿 take a look at one's prospective son-in-law 名 (书) (质; 实质) quality (姓氏) a surname: 相世芳 Xiang Shifang 另见 xiàng。 |
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