

 (兴盛; 繁盛) flourishing; prosperous:
  全盛时期 period of full bloom;
  兴盛 flourish;
  桃花盛开。 The peach trees are in full bloom.; The peach blossoms are out.
 (强烈; 旺盛) vigorous; energetic:
  年轻气盛 young and aggressive;
  火势很盛。 The fire is raging.
 (盛大; 隆重) magnificent; grand:
  盛举 a grand occasion (event)
 (深厚) abundant; plentiful:
  盛意 great kindness
 (盛行) popular; common; widespread:
  盛传 be widely known (rumoured)
 (用力大; 程度深)greatly; deeply:
  盛夸 praise highly
 (姓氏) a surname:
  盛琪 Sheng Qi
 另见 chéng。
 (把东西放在器具里; 装) fill; ladle:
  盛饭 fill a bowl with rice;
  盛汤 ladle out soup;
  把菜盛出来 ladle food from the pot; dish out food;
  缸里盛满了酒。 The crock isfilled with wine.
  他给自己盛了一碗炖肉。 He ladled a bowl of stew for himself.
 (容纳) hold; contain:
  这个礼堂能盛一千人。 This hall is big enough for a thousand people.
  这间房子太小,盛不了这么多东西。 The room is too small to hold all these things.
  这箱子能盛下你所有的衣服吗? Will this trunk hold all your clothes?
 另见 shèng。




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