

字词 介绍
释义 介绍
 jiè shào
 (使双方相识) introduce; present:
  介绍对象 introduce sb. to a potential marriage partner; find sb. a boy or girl friend;
  作自我介绍 introduce oneself
 (引进; 带入) recommend; suggest:
  介绍某人入党 recommend sb. for Party membership;
  介绍新的工作方法 introduce sb. to a new method of work;
  为某人介绍工作 recommend sb. for a position;
  他介绍我担任这项工作。 He recommended me for the job.
 (使了解或熟悉) let know; brief; provide information:
  介绍经验 pass on experience;
  介绍情况 brief sb. on the situation; put sb. in the picture; fill sb. in;
  要是你想让我把你的案子处理得有说服力, 你先得原原本本地向我介绍情况。 If you want me to put your case forcibly, you must brief me thoroughly beforehand.
 介绍费 middleman fee; procuration




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