

 (真实;实在) true; exact; real另见 de; dì。
  聪明的孩子 clever child;
  国家的经济命脉 the economic lifeline of the country;
  画家的工作外衣 an artist's smock;
  两天的时间 two days' time;
  我的母亲 my mother;
  已经站起来的中国人民 the Chinese people who have stood up
  开汽车的 a driver;
  菊花开了, 有红的, 有黄的。 The chrysanthemums are in bloom; some are red and some yellow.
  他说他的, 我干我的。 Let him say what he likes; I'll just get on with my work.
  我爱吃辣的。 I like peppery food.
 (用在谓语动词后面, 强调动作的施事者、时间、地点等):
  是我打的稿子, 他上的色。 I made the sketch; he filled in the colours.
  他前年去的西藏。 It was the year before last that he went to Xizang (Tibet).
  我在北京买的表。 It was in Beijing that I bought the watch.
 (用在陈述句末尾, 表示肯定、强调、已然等语气 ):
  明天他会来的。 Surely he'll come tomorrow.
  你们这两天真够辛苦的。 You've really been working hard in the past few days.
  哦, 我想起来了。 我们第一次是在大别山见面的。 Now, I remember. We met for the first time in the Dabie Mountains.
  屋子里静悄悄的。 It was very quiet in the room.
  著名的北京鸭就是这儿产的。 The famous Beijing ducks are produced here.
 (用在并列的词语后, 表示“等等、之类”的意思) and so on; and so on and so forth; and the like:
  她尽说吃啊穿啊的。 She talks about nothing but food and clothing, etc.
  我不喜欢花儿草儿的! I don't like flowers, grass and things like that!
  音乐、绘画、文学什么的, 我们都谈到了。 We talked about music, painting, literature and the like.
 (用在指人的名词、代词和指职务、身份的名词中间, 表示某人取得某种职务或身份):
  今天的会谁的主席? Who is the chairman of today's meeting?
  这部电影是我姐姐的主角。 My sister plays the leading role in this film.
  开她的玩笑 play a joke on her
 (口语中用在两个数量词中间, 表示相乘或相加):
  这间屋子是五米的三米, 合十五平方米。 This room is five metres by three, or fifteen square metres.
 另见 dí; dì。
 (箭靶的中心) target; bull's-eye:
  无的放矢 shoot an arrow at a nonexistent target; shoot at random
 另见 de; dí。




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