

 (似雪的颜色) white:
  雪白 white as snow;
  白衬衫 a white shirt;
  皮肤白 have a fair complexion;
  苍白如纸 white as a sheet
 (清楚; 明白; 弄明白) clear:
  明白 clear; easy to understand;
  不明不白 not clear; not open; slightly underhand;
  真相大白。 Everything is clear now.
 (空的; 没加他物的) pure; clear; plain; unmixed; blank:
  白开水 plain boiled water;
  一穷二白 poor and blank
 (象征反动) White (as a symbol of reaction):
  白区 the White Area;
  白军 the White Army
 (把字写错或说错) wrongly written or mispronounced:
  写白字 wrongly write a character
 (没有效果; 徒然) without results; in vain; waste efforts:
  白费力气 labour without results;
  白跑一趟 make a trip in vain;
  白忙了一天 be unproductively busy for a whole day
 (无代价; 无报偿) free of charge; gratis:
  白吃 eat without pay;
  白给 give away free of charge; give for nothing;
  白看戏 see a free play
 (戏剧等中说的语句) spoken part in opera, etc.:
  道白 spoken part in opera;
  独白 soliloquy;
  对白 dialogue
 (姓氏) a surname:
  白居易 Bai Juyi
 (地方话) dialect:
  苏白 Suzhou dialect
 (说明; 陈述) explain; present; clear up; state:
  表白心迹 bare one's heart; explain one's true intentions;
  自白 explain oneself; confess;
  辩白 vindicate
 (变白) turn white:
  白了少年头。 The hair turns white on a young head.
 (用白眼珠看人) look upon people with the white of the eyes:
  她生气地白了他一眼。 She gave him an angry stare.




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