

字词 登记
释义 登记
 dēng jì
 register; check in; enter one's name:
  结婚登记 marriage registration;
  登记入册 be registered on the books;
  在旅馆登记住宿 check in at a hotel;
  在学校注册簿上登记姓名 enter names in the register of the school;
  该俱乐部正式登记的成员有多少? How many members have officially registered in the club?
 登记标志 {工} register mark;
 登记标准 listing standard;
 登记表(册) enrollment;
 登记簿 register; accession; accession book;
 登记处 registration (registry) office;
 登记吨 ton (equal to 2.83 cubic metres);
 登记吨位 registered tonnage;
 登记法 registration law;
 登记费 registration fee;
 登记公债 registered bond;
 登记股东 stockholder of record;
 登记柜 a chench-in counter;
 登记会计师 certified public accountant;
 登记机 tell-table;
 登记码 poll code;
 登记宽度 {船} register breadth;
 登记列名牌号 listed brand;
 登记器 logger;
 登记人 registrant;
 登记日期 date of registration;
 登记商标 trademark;
 登记税 registration tax;
 登记通讯表 polling list;
 登记项 entry;
 登记项簇 {计} entry cluster;
 登记预购紧俏产品 place orders for products in short supply;
 登记证 registration;
 登记证明书 certificate of ownership (registration)




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