

字词 电阻
释义 电阻
 diàn zǔ
 (物质阻碍电流通过的性质) resistance; electric resistance (电路中两点间在一定压力下决定电流强度的一个物理量)
 电阻表 ohmmeter; resistance card; ohm gauge;
 电阻率 resistivity; specific resistance;
 电阻变换器 resistance transformer;
 电阻标准 resistance standard;
 电阻补偿 resistance compensation;
 电阻不平衡 resistance unbalance;
 电阻部分 active component;
 电阻测定 resistance measurement;
 电阻测量 resistance measurement; thermoelectric measurement;
 电阻差分器 resistance hybrid;
 电阻充电电路 resistance charging circuit;
 电阻导体 resistive conductor; ohmic conductor;
 电阻电桥 resistance bridge;
 电阻-电容-晶体管逻辑电路 resistor-capacitor-transistor logic circuit (RCTL);
 电阻-电容网络 resistance-capacitance network;
 电阻电容振系器 RC oscillator;
 电阻电压 resistive voltage;
 电阻电压变换器 resistance-voltage convertor;
 电阻电压降 ohmic drop;
 电阻定律 law of resistance; ohm's law;
 电阻定碳仪 carbohm;
 电阻对接焊 upset (butt) welding;
 电阻对接焊机 butt resistance welder;
 电阻放大 resistance amplification;
 电阻放大器 resistance amplifier;
 电阻辐射热测定器 {工} bolometer; thermal detector;
 电阻分流器 divertor;
 电阻分压器 resistance voltage divider; resistance divider;
 电阻负载 ohmic load;
 电阻高温计 electropyrometer;
 电阻-功率特性 resistance-power characteristic;
 电阻海 resistance sea;
 电阻焊接 resistance weld;
 电阻焊接设备 resistance welding equipment;
 电阻合金 electric resistance alloy;
 电阻弧花压焊接 resistance-flash welding;
 电阻混频电路 mixing resistor circuit;
 电阻计 ohmer;
 电阻继电器 resistance relay; ohm relay;
 电阻加热喷气发动机 resistojet engine;
 电阻加热元件 stratie;
 电阻加热蒸镀设备 resistance heating coating equipment;
 电阻检验器 resistor assembly tester;
 电阻交流充电 AC resistance charging;
 电阻接地 resistance neutral grounding;
 电阻-晶体管逻辑 resistor-transistor logic;
 电阻-晶体管逻辑电路 resistor-transistor logic circuit;
 电阻矩阵 resistor matrix;
 电阻灵敏度 resistance sensitivity;
 电阻炉 resistor (resistance) furnace;
 电阻模 resistive mode;
 电阻耦合 {电} resistance (ohmic; resistive) coupling;
 电阻耦合放大器 resistance-coupled amplifier;
 电阻耦合环 resistive coupling loop;
 电阻耦合晶体管逻辑 resistor-coupled transistor logic (RCTL);
 电阻耦合晶体管逻辑系统 RCTL system;
 电阻匹配变换器 resistance-matching transformer;
 电阻片 resistor disc;
 电阻绕组 resistance winding;
 电阻容差 resistance tolerance;
 电阻烧结 electrical resistance sintering;
 电阻湿度计 resistance hygrometer;
 电阻衰减器 resistance (resistor type) attenuator;
 电阻撕裂模不稳定性 resistive tearing mode instability;
 电阻损耗 resistance loss; ohmic loss;
 电阻探测法 electro resistivity prospecting;
 电阻体 resistive element;
 电阻调速 rheostatic speed regulation;
 电阻调谐振荡器 resistance-tuned oscillator;
 电阻网络 resistance network; resistive network;
 电阻网络模拟 resistance network analog;
 电阻温度计 (electrical) resistance thermometer; resistance pyrometer;
 电阻温度特性 resistance-temperature characteristic;
 电阻温度系数 resistance-temperature coefficient; temperature-coefficient of (electrical) resistance;
 电阻稳定振荡器 resistance-stabilized oscillator;
 电阻系数 resistance coefficient; specific resistance;
 电阻线 resistive conductor;
 电阻线圈 resistance coil;
 电阻箱 resistance box;
 电阻压力对焊 slow-butt welding;
 电阻压降 resistance drop;
 电阻应变仪 resistance strain guage;
 电阻元件 resistance (resistor) element;
 电阻噪声 resistance noise; noise of a resistor;
 电阻真空计 resistance vacuum gauge; resistance manometer;
 电阻值 resistance (quantity)




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