

字词 电话
释义 电话
 diàn huà
 (电话装置) telephone; phone; telephone system; telephony; (美俚) horn:
  报警电话 alarm telephone;
  公用电话 public telephone; pay telephone;
  专线电话 special line;
  挂断电话 ring off the telephone; hang up the phone;
  长途电话 trunkcall; long distance call;
  窃听电话 tap telephone;
  加急电话 emergency call;
  自动电话 automatic telephone; dial telephone
 (用电话装置传递的话) phone call:
  打电话 make a phone call; phone sb.; call sb. up; ring sb. up; give sb. a ring;
  有你的电话。 You are wanted on the telephone.; Here's telephone for you.
  我们会打电话通知你。 We'll let you know by telephone.
 电话保险器 telephone fuse;
 电话编号 telephone numbering;
 电话波道 telephone channel;
 电话拨号盘 {工} telephone dial;
 电话簿 telephone directory (book);
 电话测量电桥 telephone bridge;
 电话测量术 telephonometry;
 电话测量台 telephone test desk;
 电话插孔 telephone jack;
 电话插塞 spring-loaded plunge; plug;
 电话查询 inquiry by telephone;
 电话传输当量 telephone transmission equivalent;
 电话传真 telefacsimile;
 电话串话 telephone crosstalk;
 电话地下管道 telephone-tunnel;
 电话点播节目 call-in;
 电话电报 telephone telegram;
 电话-电报转换开关 telephone-telegraph switch;
 电话电池 telephone cells;
 电话电缆 telephone cable;
 电话电缆专用电桥 telephone bridge;
 电话电铃 telephone ringer;
 电话电流 telephone current;
 电话电路 telephone circuit;
 电话电声测试系统 telephone electroacoustic measuring system;
 电话电视 phonovision;
 电话耳机 telephone receiver;
 电话发送机 telephony transmitter;
 电话法 telephony;
 电话费 telephone rate;
 电话分机 extension telephone set;
 电话分局 satellite exchange;
 电话干扰 telephone disturbance;
 电话干扰因素 (telephone) influence factor (TIF);
 电话工程(学) telephone engineering;
 电话号码 telephone number;
 电话号码簿 telephone book (directory);
 电话回路 {讯} line loop;
 电话会议 {讯} teleconference; telephone conference;
 电话计时器 calculagraph;
 电话计数器 telephone meter;
 电话继电器 telephone (type) relay;
 电话讲授 telelecture;
 电话交换 telephone exchange;
 电话交换机 telephone switching system; telephone exchange; switchboard;
 电话交换机故障 exchange trouble;
 电话交换台 telephone exchange;
 电话接线器 telephone switch;
 电话接线室 switch board room;
 电话卡 phonecard;
 电话抗议 dial-in;
 电话控制 telephone control;
 电话控制盒 (telephone) key cabinet;
 电话铃 telephone ringer (ring);
 电话铃碗 telephone gong;
 电话录声机 dailygraph;
 电话录音机 telescribe;
 电话录音(录话)装置 telecord;
 电话内容 message;
 电话内线 intercommunication system with telephone;
 电话朋友 phonemate;
 电话区域交换中心 telephone zone(-switching) centre;
 电话软线 telephone cord;
 电话塞孔 telephone jack;
 电话设备 telephone plant;
 电话声道 telephone channel;
 电话室 call-box; telephone box;
 电话听筒 telephone receiver;
 电话亭 telephone booth;
 电话调制器 {电子} telephone modem;
 电话调制调解机 telephone modem equipment;
 电话通路 telephone channel;
 电话通信 telephone communication;
 电话通信系统 telephone communication system;
 电话网 telephone network;
 电话线 telephone line;
 电话线路 telephone circuit; telephone line;
 电话线路均衡器 telephone line equalizer;
 电话信道 {讯} telephone (voice) channel;
 电话信号 {讯} telephone signal; telephone receiver; telephone emission;
 电话学 telephoning; telephony; phoning;
 电话扬声器 telelecture;
 电话业务 telephone service;
 电话音乐 telesong; telechanson; telechson;
 电话应答系统 {讯} telephone-answering system;
 电话用户 telephone subscriber;
 电话用户机 {讯} subset (subscriber set);
 电话有线设备 telephone wire set;
 电话载波电流 telephone carrier current;
 电话增音电路 booster telephone circuit;
 电话增音机 telephone repeater;
 电话振铃频选器 {电子} telering;
 电话支局 minor exchange;
 电话中断 service interruption;
 电话中断器 telephone repeater;
 电话转接局 tandem office;
 电话总局 main exchange; central office; central telephone exchange




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