

字词 电报
释义 电报
 diàn bào
 telegram; cable; telegraph; message:
  打电报 send a telegram; dispatch a telegram;
  传真电报 photo telegram; photo telegraph; photogram; facsimile telegraph;
  公事电报 official telegram;
  国际电报 international telegram;
  国内电报 inland telegram;
  国外电报 foreign cable;
  加急电报 urgent telegram; express telegram;
  密码电报 cipher telegram;
  明码电报 plain code telegram;
  书信电报 letter telegram;
  无线电报 radiogram; radiotelegram;
  无线电传真电报 photoradiogram;
  新闻电报 press cable;
  用户电报 teles;
  有线电报 wire telegram; telegram; message;
  电传打字电报 teletape;
  译电报 decode a telegram;
  拍那份电报花了多少钱? How much did the telegram cost?
  这两座城市之间的电报业务已经中断。 The telegraph has been cut between the two cities.
 电报帮电机 telegraph repeater;
 电报报头 prefix;
 电报编辑部 cable desk (海底);
 电报(表格)纸 telegraph form;
 电报波道 telegraph channel;
 电报波形 telegraphy wave form;
 电报传送 telegraph transmission;
 电报传送图像 pantelegraphy;
 电报代码 telegraphic code;
 电报电话双用装置 composite set;
 电报电话自动交换 automatic switching of telegraph and telephone;
 电报电键 telegraph key;
 电报电缆 telegraph cable;
 电报电路 telegraph circuit;
 电报电路间串音 telegraph crosstalk;
 电报电路接转 circuit switching of telegraph;
 电报电码变换器 telegraph code inverter;
 电报调度测量台 telegraph dispatching and testing desk;
 电报订货 cable order;
 电报发声器 telegraph sounder;
 电报方程 {数} telegraph equation; telegrapher's equation;
 电报费 cable charge;
 电报分配机 telegraph distribution machine;
 电报分配器 telegraph distributor;
 电报符号表 telegraph alphabet;
 电报干扰 {讯} telegraph interference;
 电报工程 telegraphy;
 电报挂号 cable (telegraphic) address;
 电报海流计 radio current meter;
 电报呼叫器 telegraph calling set;
 电报会议(用电传机) telecon; teleconference;
 电报机 telegraph;
 电报集中器 telegraph concentrator;
 电报技术 dot-and-dash technique;
 电报继电器 telegraph relay;
 电报键 tapper;
 电报交换 telegraph exchange;
 电报交换机 telegraph exchange; telegraph switching equipment;
 电报交换设备 telegraph circuit switching equipment;
 电报接转 telegraph switching;
 电报接转设备 telegraph message switching equipment;
 电报局 telegraph office;
 电报扩大器 telegraph magnifier;
 电报联络线 telegraph orderwire;
 电报码 telegraph code;
 电报确认(书) cable confirmation;
 电报失真 telegraph distortion;
 电报失真仪 {讯} telegraph distortion set;
 电报术(技术) telegraphy;
 电报速度 {讯} telegraph speed;
 电报调制 telegraph modulation;
 电报通信 telegraph communication (correspondence);
 电报通信网 telegraph network;
 电报通信系统 telegraph communication system;
 电报通知 cable advice;
 电报文体 cablese;
 电报系统 telegraphy;
 电报线路 telegraph line;
 电报消息接转 message switching of telegraph;
 电报信道 telegraph channel;
 电报信函 mailgram;
 电报信号 telegraph signal;
 电报信号畸变(失真) telegraph signal distortion;
 电报学 telegraphy;
 电报业务 telegraphy;
 电报译码器 telegraph translator;
 电报音响器 telegraph sounder;
 电报载波 {讯} telegraph carrier;
 电报凿孔纸带 tele-tape;
 电报噪声 thump (电话中的); telegraph noise;
 电报中继器 {电} telegraph repeater;
 电报终端设备 telegraph terminal equipment;
 电报转发器 interpolator;
 电报转接器 telegraph commutator




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